Friends and family gathered at the bench in mid-May for an intimate commemoration and to pay tribute to Tim Wallace - our first Board President.
This spring, the Conservancy placed a bench in upper Claremont Canyon in memory of our first board president Tim Wallace who passed away last May. Tim was 92. Tim provided tremendous leadership and guidance to the Conservancy over his 13 years as president through his diverse background and natural talent as a leader. Tim’s bench, which is on UC property facing toward the south flank of the canyon, can be seen at Signpost 27 on the left as you drive up Claremont Avenue.
Tim’s persistent negotiations with UC spurred UC’s multi-phase program of removing thousands of overgrown eucalyptus trees from the upper canyon in the early 2000s. This resulted in a more firesafe landscape and improved egress along major arteries in case of a disaster. UC’s work in the upper canyon is slated to continue as soon as legal obstacles are overcome and Cal Fire funds can be released.
Tim’s bench was paid for by members of the Conservancy and Tim’s many friends. We thank everyone (designated by the number 1 at the end of our spring newsletter) who made a financial tribute to Tim during our last fund drive. Friends and family gathered at the bench in mid-May for an intimate commemoration.